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Sunflower Seeds Portrait
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Sunflower Seeds Portrait

Do you remember the article regarding the performance of WeiWei at Tate Modern Gallery in London?

Hong Yi (ohiseered), Shanghai based-Artist has made ​​this extraordinary portrait of Weiwei using only Sunflowe seeds

“I was inspired last weekend to do a portrait of Weiwei. Initially the idea was to just do a small A4 sized portrait of him, but then I thought I’d bring my materials out to the little lanes of my longtang and do a portrait of him in public…what an attention-seeker, huh? But Ai Weiwei does that too! Oh, guess what medium I used? No, not paint – that’s so BOH-RING! – I collected 100,000/7kgs of sunflower seeds, and this is what I did…”


[ Thanks to Hong Yi | ohiseered ]

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